she had them in the trash bin! I had to save them...naturally, I'll move them about for maybe 5 or 6 years and then they'll end up in the trash anyway...or at least the recycle bin...
the following day I will be struck by a brilliant idea of what I could have used the things for...
because that, friends, is the Way of the Universe...
Miss Julie over at Gingerbread (yum) Pumpkin (yum, again...because I bought some Pumpkin Spice coffee this past weekend...that I just found when cleaning up the pantry...we'll have another talk some day about so called "deals" with spouses about putting up groceries in exchange for escaping toilet scrubbing duty...and then having to revamp the pantries/cabinets/fridge/freezer every time you use the "deal"...but like I said, that's another day) tagged me to throw 6 Random Facts About Myself Into the Universe...I know the Universe can hardly wait so here goes...
1) I'm absolutely in love with David Suchet's Poirot...the Poirot from before they cheapened the series with the new episodes...I'm sorry but you do not have to Sex Up Agatha Christie...whose
2) I will clap along with a crowd at just about any gathering...and I'll sing along and I'll dance along...now ya'll know to get seats far away from me...
3) I Heart Me Some Grey...I love grey weather, grey clothes, grey cars...I even can't wait until my hair that I unfortunately coloured an unfortunate shade of dark reddish brown goes completely silver so I can, snap, WearItWithFlair...I have not, however, ever seen an episode of Gray's Anatomy...probably because they spell "grey" all wonky...and considering Henry Gray was British, I totally don't Get It...
4) I never met the jar of jam or jelly or marmalade or curd that I didn't like...or chutney or pesto or whatever funky mix you can put in a jar...along as there aren't chunks of animal parts floatin' in jelly or something equally disturbing...
5) I have a Secret Desire to wear house dresses and chain smoke...this may be tied to the fact that I'm sick of perennially dieting, exercising and having to wear things with fitted waists...or at least the illusion of a fitted waist (the things they can do with elastic these days!!!)
6) I am Not Always Right...just enough of the time to Make It Seem That Way*
*the rest of the time I just keep my mouth shut...that is the secret to not bringing your batting average down and appearing to have a FGGOE (Fairly Good Grasp of Everything)...hah...
Take It Easy, Ya'll
I chuckled all the way through that...now I'm sitting here smiling while I type. You sure can turn a phrase! Now I gotta go check out your other posts to see if you are always this clever or if you just had a lucky day hehe.
Pumpkin spice coffee? I had not idea they made such yummy coffee. I found some mint cocoa cleaning out my pantry yesterday.
As usual, you make me laugh Sheila. I'm also laughing at Nikki's comment above. (your lucky day) lol :-)
G R E A T !!! Well aren't you something! Very fascinating! I really enjoyed your list and was surprise about the clapping and dancing thingy. I'm glad you have a good time, I love a good time. Deb
LOL! Well I would paint the star and hang it over my fireplace - lucky you!
Loved your list - I heart me some gray too. I have seen an episode of Grey's Anatomy but couldn't see what all the hoopla is about - to each his own. I also don't watch Desperate Housewives. I'm still watching Gilmore Girls!
Great score on those stars. I hope you come up with some fantastic thing to do with them and share with us!
I had the same thought as Manuela about the star. It would look great on your fireplace.
There is something magical about the thought of rescuing a star. I'll bet your are going to come up with something clever to do with that star. Can't wait to see it.
Oh Miz Sheila, you make me smile. Thank you for a Monday morning giggle.
I like the idea of painting and hanging above fp.
I just found your blog through acottageindustry. You are so funny! My kind of snide humor.
Hey, have you thought about painting those stars and hanging them up somewhere? What ever you do, don't throw them away for at least 10 years. I keep things a long time too!
How big are those suckers? you could decoupage with great scrapbooking papers and then hang them over the mantle....or over a door, or send them to your fav. friends.......pick me, pick me! ;)
Hi Sheila,
What's up girl? Did life get in the way or something? No pressure to post just checking on you. :-)
I am celebrating my 100th post. Please stop by and enter my giveaway.
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