Anyhoo...this is just one of many reasons why projects never exactly go accordin' to schedule at Number 17...

yes, I had cat hair to remove from the paint before applying the second coat...
and, yes, after Henri Henri demonstrated what a Fun Thing climbing into the cabinets was to his brethren...I had more Cat Plucking to do...
I had to double-check that cabinet shot to make sure there was nothin' shameful in there before I posted :) ...
like double-stuff oreo cookies...which, BTW, I saw in an organic version last week! can you believe it? ya'll remember those HUUUUGGGEEE Oreo cookies? the Big Stuff ones? man...talk about heart-attack in cellophane...but sooooo good...because I treated them like the regular ones...you know...take 1 Oreo apart, then another, makin' sure to keep all of the icing intact on one wafer of the Oreo...if you break it, then you have to just eat the whole cookie & try again...once you have successfully removed those extraneous cookie sides, then you mush the remaining sides with the icing together thereby making a Big Cookie...works best with Double Stuff...worked even better with Big Stuff Oreos [just imagine a big foolish grin of delight on a round face]...
no...no weight issues here...
some finds from this weekend...after seeing all of the success so many bloggers have with garage sales (particularly this lady and this lady) I decided to try stopping at a few garage sales, something I don't usually do...I'm not wild about garage sales because, well, I feel obligated to buy after I walk up the drive way...while being watched by whomever is holdin' the sale...and then looking over the tables of things...and not finding anything at all that is remotely what I would consider havin' in our home...
if I don't buy something, anything, I feel as if I'm sayin' "Oh...so sorry, old girl, but your C-R-A-P isn't quite up to snuff"...I know...I've brought car salesmen to their knees after hours and hours of negotiations...but I feel badly about not buying some body's "unwanted stuff" off their driveway...
some pixs:

O.K. Mr Henri Henri is Killing me!!! We used to have a Siamese cat that liked to lay in the dryer when you were folding the clothes. Cats crack me up. Love all the goodies to.
I think the ability to figure out what to do with oreos is genetic we never taught our children - they do it.
Thanks for visiting my blog...enjoyed my visit here...
Sorry to read about your knee surgery...but at least you have practiced and are prepared with the dolphin bell! And I see you also have the fine glassware from McD...we are trying to collect all 4!
Great finds Mrs. G. Love the rooster! You know I use to feel bad when I would stop at a garage sale and not buy anything...not anymore. Do it enough and you'll get over it.
Mrs.G, i have to say, when I mailed it, I did wonder why the Differn't address? I thought perhaps one may be a Work address. Im sorry, thought about asking you but I did not remember! (nothing New, id forget my head if It weren't screwed on) Anyway, let me know what you think? hope you like them. Thanks for stopping over, jamie
You have such interesting photos and stories to share!!
A cat in the cupboard!?!? Well is there anything more heart warming.
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