Second, Buy This...

and Third...I believe I've been working on this for a year now...possibly two...appear to have blocked out the actual time frame...this bears no relation to the previous two mentions but I just feel like sharing my slow-behind-progress...

Not familiar with either of those labels, but I'll have to put it on my list to look for. I LOVE mustard and this sounds like a great addition to potato salad.
Needlework? I haven't done any in years, but have been thinking of trying something over our long winter months.
I will look for the mustard and the sauce when I grocery shop today. Both sound great!
Thanks for the Chaste Tree seeds. You are such a sweetie to send them to me!!
I don't think we have those brands here either Sheila.
Can't wait to see the needlework finished and framed. Oh and I love your new background. Perfection.
Hi Sheila!
I will be on the look out for your suggestions.
You asked what was in the chicken shaped dish on my blog, and yes, it is chicken pot pie! :)
I now realize I am commenting on the wrong post, but I like your witch pic too!
Nice to meet you!
I will look for those brands!
Sounds good!
Yes, that is a chicken pot pie in the chicken shaped dish on my sidebar.
I typed a longer comment but for some reason it won't post. So I am trying again!
Liked your witch pic in the TTues. post.
Nice to meet you!
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