Thursday, February 25, 2010

So, Here's the Question...

why do some people believe helping animals to be less of a calling than helping humans? and, along that line of questionable reasoning, why does doing either one exclude doing the other? and, Lord help, why would you stand in front of me knowin' I know All About Your Expensive Designer Bag Problem Habit and that the only charitable donation you do anyway is some rinky dink paycheck United Way thing* (STOP AND READ THIS NOTE: everybody that is about to have a hissy fit over that previous sentence go on down and read the little * remark at the bottom of the post) you got pressed into doing so the Officially Shall Not Be Named Place of Business could make the Red on the Fake Thermometer Board go all the way to the top and say something stupid about how so many people need help that you didn't believe in giving money to Animal Charities?

okay, that was 3 questions, but did ya'll ever know a Southern Woman to actually stick to her 1 Question Quota? (a Southern Woman on a tear/soapbox/havin' a hissy fit has strange volcanic rhetorical rhythm alongside mad on-the-fly self-scanning skills that just, zuppppp, suck you right in...hypnotizes you against your will)

Whenever you can, wherever you can, please give generously to help others...It is Important...and becomes More Important when fewer people actually have money to contribute to charities because of Lost Jobs, Lost Bonuses and Actual Pay Cuts***...

I know I struggle with giving as much as I could/should...there are times when I have to wrestle My Inner Book Demon or Thrift Shop Demon or Want to Look Pretty Demon (I swear when Face Lifts get sold on QVC's easy payment plan, watch out!) to hold back that debit card...and lots of times My Inner Demonettes kick the livin' snot out of my Inner Goody Two ain't pretty, folks, but it is the truth****...

The easiest way to handle that struggle is to set yourself set up to just do automatic debits from your checking account or to a credit card, if you're Very Responsible with Your Credit Card and don't carry some big ol' balance , to your favourite CharitieS

painlessly thoughtless...

almost all of the charities we give to are set up for some type of automatic debit...and when you get comfortable with that $10, $20 or $30 wavin' Good-Bye to your checking account, then you gradually up the dollar amount...treat those charitable deductions as if they're just like your cable/satellite T.V. bill...when you get used to that little amount comin' out of the bank account each month, your introductory offer expires and your bill goes up*****

*and before anybody freaks on me, let me say, if you contribute through paycheck deduction to United Way, that is lovely...Mr G does too...and I did when it was an employee option at my last job (I like to choose local options when that is a county-wide plan for people who cannot afford their prescription drugs)...and if that is all your family can do right now, completely understandable...times are tough...very tough...and it is great that you're trying to help others when you're stretching and, or struggling, yourselves...BUT if your shoe closet makes my jaw drop and your bags really are somebody else's Nice Car the very least...please please please don't start with me about your Philosophy on Charitable Giving when all you get up off of is a lousy $10 a paycheck...Because the conversation will go rapidly and, yes, irretrievable downhill...I promise you...**

**and before anybody else decides to take issue with this post and trot out that Tired Old Chestnut about this being a Free Country and One Being Entitled to What One Wishes With One's Money, let me just say...if that is the Truth of the Matter, please feel free to try that line with the IRS, your state's tax agency and the Tax Commissioner's Office of Wherein Your Primary Residence is Established...and then still don't start with me...because That Dog Don't Hunt...

***And if you really can't find the extra $ in your bottom of your purse right now, I get it...try to find Something to Do for a charity...I'm finally about to get off my Oh So Valuable Personal Time and start volunteering with a local charity 1 weekend a month...see? I'm doing like the actual $ thing...starting off slowly and then when I reach the level where I'm comfortable with the amount of time I'm committing to give to others, I'll see if I'm willing to up the Really Is all about tricking myself into not being such a Selfish Cow...again, not pretty, but the truth...

****And the Very Worst Inner Demonette for this time of year is about to rear her Ugly Head...the Spring is Here and It is Time to Buy Plants for the Garden Demon...this is a scary time for the ol' pocketbook...

*****That poor Customer Service wasn't a good day for him...


Rebecca said...

For the first time in my long life, I am working for a charitable agency. I have to tell you, it has been an eye opening, jaw dropping experience to learn about the agency's budget relative to donations, individual or through United Way. It never ceases to amaze me how much we need, and how much we count on those donations. I had a friend tell me once, about a year ago, when she learned where I was working..."I don't like to give to any agency who is bent on supporting other people. I think people need to learn to support themselves." Talk about inner demonettes. Mine wanted to come out and smack some sense into her. Great post.

Angie said...

Love what you said about people helping animals. I have always had a heart for animals as long as I can remember and it makes me CRAZY when I am made to feel like I'm wrong and should be caring about things that other people feel are more important.

it's all about the journey...