while I'm leery of going to garage sales (or yard sales, if you prefer...we don't have any of those furrin' events called Tag Sales in my neck of the woods...that's just a different world, ya'll) because I have this weird fear of seemin' snooty and disdainful of people's "stuff" if I don't buy something...
and let's face it...some people's "stuff" is really people's "C-R-A-P" that should have been hauled off one pitch black moonless night to the county dump in a license plate-less truck and left outside of the locked gates so it cannot be traced back to the rightful owner*...
The Very Few times I have steeled myself and ventured to stop by a garage sale, yes, I hit proverbial Crap Mother Loads**
but when I'm loafin' about in Blog Land instead of being gainfully productive I gaze wistfully upon all the seemingly endless great stuff people find at these sales to bring home and display in their homes and on their blogs***...
Practically to My Point: check out auctions.
Now, auctions aren't the most efficient use of time...a large auction can drag on for hours...and hours...and hours...
the last auction Mr G & I attended lasted, I kid ya'll not, about 7 hours...7 HOURS....we ate dinner there...twice...the first time from the concession stand (that most established auctions have...at least our Georgia auctions do :) and the second time from the corner Subway shop...and spent a lot of time watchin' the regulars, who apparently are all shop owners or have really really big houses, buy lot after lot...
by the time the bureau/buffet I wanted rolled across the concrete floor for bidding, it was 10:30...that's PM...6 hours into the auction...and no way on God's Green earth was I leavin' that auction house without that buffet****....

That night, the Auction gods smiled upon me...the buffet was mine for $55...and now it sits in our second bathroom waiting for its sink to be dropped in...
Practically to My Point: Check ya'lls local classified for auction listing. Bigger auctions will probably be listed starting at least a week out from the actual auction date. And, don't just look in the Garage Sale column...check out the Announcements section too...
My point: auctionzip.com...the auction lover's friend...just type in your zip, how many miles you are willing to drag your sullen spouse and whether or not you've reached the age when limited night time driving ability makes it inadvisable to go that far and drive home late tired down a deer-riddled country road, with an openly hostile husband beside you in the passenger seat, and a massive oak hall tree bungee corded in your half-open trunk...
*apparently, there is a reason why allllll of those dumps & transfer stations have signs that forbid leavin' stuff outside when the gates are closed...
**community or charity-related garage sales are cats of a different colour...these seem to work out better....
***Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality has to be the Undisputed Queen of Wonderful Garage Sale Stuff...actually, I bet they actually have Tag Sales where Rhoda lives!
****This is, actually, a dangerous mind set at an auction...don't get emotionally involved with anything you're bidding on...it can mean a month or two of nothin' but beans & rice for dinner as you bid $500 more than you planned on that Oh-Hell-No-That-Heifer-Is-Not-Gettin'-My-Whateveritis*****
*****Auction houses do not look kindly upon bidders who retract bids...ever...
I agree Shelia. Auctions are the way to go! Most of my furniture was obtained through auctions. If you're young and starting out, you can get some great bargains on household goods too. It's a good way to while away an afternoon. Good entertainment even if you don't snag a deal!
I had to come back and check out your corgi! What a cutie! I love the tri-colors. Corgi's sure know how to relax don't they?
You know our Belle Cathy is a super Yard Saler and can literally find jewels in the muck!
Mmmm...I've never been to an auction but I really couldn't sit for hours waiting for the thing I want to be up! I don't want anything that badly!! I'm not a yardsaler either - I just hate getting up early on a day I can finally sleep in. But I do go to thrift stores and consignment stores and do very well with that. I guess everybody has their own way of snagging thrifty deals!
Love the buffet-I have one just like it in my kitchen. I got mine at a yardsale-paid a little more than you too.
Hi Shelia! I love your buffet! I would have waited 7 hours for it and I love what you have planned for it! You are too funny! And I too have been to a couple of garage sales where I had to walk away with nothing while the person that had the sale was just sitting there watching. Oh! how terrible I felt that they had NOTHING!! that I wanted. JUST NOTHING!!! LOL!!! Deb
$55???!! Wow! What a find! I'm leary of your average yard sales too, and honestly, never go to one. But I love estate sales, and comb the newspaper for those. Love auctions too. There is an auction "barn" in our area, which is simply a family's barn, on their land, where they have invited a public auction for years. Very rustic, country, everything from household goods and furniture, to livestock, goats, horses, and farm equipment. Its great fun to attend, if only to watch all the farmers and country folk, and see all their "wares." Always diamonds hidden among the rough.
The dresser is exactly like the one my mother had and was handed down to my daughter. It has a mirror, also. Amazing. Interesting blog! Kerrie
Cathy is a Junker Supreme! :)
Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! If you have a Bible Commentary, do look up stone and you will see how many times it is mentioned in the Bible. I find it so interesting! Love your pets, they are precious, I added myself as a follower of your blog. Have a wonderful day! Kerrie
I have always been intimidated to go to auctions but SO want to try! And this buffet is gorgeous! I am so happy it now resides in your home and seeing that sink all dropped into it just made me happy!! I would so love that!! YOU are awesome! The lamp is a wow...
I started estate sale-ing this Fall and have now found it to be a blast! Rhoda started all this didn't she?? *laugh*
Your comment onmy decorating for Fall was so sweet and had me giggling! Our Lucy never bothyers candy and henry, who *bothers* EVRYTHING never seems to care for the candy. Good thing for me! : )
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