we've been talking about going up to take some family photos for, oh, about 6 months or more...and today is the first day when the planets aligned and everybody got his or her butt into gear...so we ate a quick bite, piled into Speck and headed to Magnolia Springs...
Did I mention it is August? August may be pleasant in some areas of our great country...I'm willing to entertain that idea...
But in Georgia, August is a trial to one's soul...
I didn't even have it in me to insist everybody don the ubiquitous white button-downs and khakis so the photos might have a snowball's chance in, well, Georgia...in August...of lookin' somewhat professional...
I expect lots of killings happen in August...in Georgia...probably more than any other time of the year...I'm being completely serious...
My Grand Plan involved driving up to the actual "spring", hopping out to snap a quick photo or two and hoppin' right back into the car to speed away in air conditioned bliss...

I let my attention wander for just a minute (busy checking the ground for venomous snakes camouflaged in the leaf litter...habit of mine)

Not wanting to be an absolute bad sport (since mostly they find my little tirades amusing and since any extra gesticulation on my part would have resulted in yet more sweating...and since, full disclosure, I didn't have my set of car keys), I trudged into the HOT leafy moist Georgia woods after

Sometimes actions do speak louder than words...so with the words "should we follow the road to the lake" still hoverin' in the HOT humid August air, I simply turned, headed back into the HOT leafy moist poisonous snake-ridden Georgia woods and followed the trail back to the springs...
oh, did I tell ya'll?...Mosquitoes the size of baby chickens live in the in the HOT leafy moist poisonous snake-ridden Georgia woods...I will probably have malaria and/or West Nile within 24 hours, thank you very much...
well...I'm all done whining...for now...
You're so funny! Doesn't your family know that if mama aint happy, aint nobody happy? Mine knows to avoid me like the plague when it gets hot.
ooooooohhhhhhh, a steamy, sweaty day, huh???? I'm guessing you may wait a few weeks before attempting another pic????
okay...can ya'll believe DS has lost the memory card from his camera with the photos? I swear if I have to drag my butt back up there...
You are so crazy girl! I love your photos of the fungi. I love the springs too. Can you swim there? Is the water cold? I believe I would have told the fam to go on and have a good time, I'm stripping to my skivvies and going for a swim! :)
Yep it's hot in Georgia. Cute post!! Great photos.
no, no swimming...there be gators there...well, I guess if you're a Very Fast Swimmer :)
Ok, I'll admit it. I am truly giggling at your misery. Maybe I'm giggling at the way you described your misery. I have ALWAYS wanted to go visit Georgia, but after reading your post I think it should not be during the summer months. You had me at poisionous snakes....shutter....That's about the only nice thing about living where it gets so very cold. Still giggling...
I went searching for Georgia blogs for one of my readers and found this and can I say...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!? Omalawsy, I needed this laugh this morning.
Will be reading more later...
Well, did you die of malaria? West Nile? Heat suffocation? I'll have you know I made it out of English 102...it was torture...but I'm here. Great outdoor pictures...I haven't been outside in weeks...it's 150 out there.
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