What is This?...and those?
This is the detritus of a sick room...
although, technically, I'm not sick...just recuperating from a hurried surgery...thus is explained my lengthy absence...just one more hurdle left to jump, knock wood, and all that is left is for me to heal and get myself ready for the Holidays*...This is my new best friend...
the cheapy little pillow you get at the hospital...it now is no longer a so much a pillow as an abdomen buffer-cushion-massive- compression device...I love this thing...and yes I know I could have at least asked for somebody to put a pillow case on it, but trust me...that hasn't even been a blip on the Radar of My Concerns...I just decided to name the pillow Bumpy...This is who is known as Teddy Weddy...
found about 3 weeks ago in the local H/M's parking lot...bless his little heart...my husband actually hefted his 45 year-old-haven't-climbed-a-tree-since-at least-grade-school** behind up into a Bradford Pear to try and catch this little booger...I kept waiting for the tree, the cat and the husband to come crashin' down on my head...so I moved around to the other side of the tree...This is who is known as Roxie Squidge...
Roxie found herself lovingly dumped, along with her sibling whom we failed to catch, in the woods next to our house...well, I caught Roxie's sister/brother, but somebody afraid of a little cat bite, let him go...after I was already bitten...in retrospect, I guess that explains the whole climbin' the tree thing...redemption is a powerful motivator, friends...catching a wild or scared cat is a little like driving through the woods at night with your lights off...it isn't a matter of if you're going to hit a tree, just a matter of how big the tree is and how much is it going to hurt...RoxieSquidge and Teddys have been keeping me company...they're little enough so when they pounce on my stomachunderneathtwopillows it doesn't make me scream...just wince...but they're so cute it is worth a little pain to enjoy their silliness...This is what I've been reading...and lovin', I might add...Jane Brocket's The Gentle Art of Domesticity***...I made a B & N run last weekend (not this weekend, but last weekend) in preparation for my downtime and just happened across the book...flipped through, read a few pages...
love the attitude and pixs...get a copy...for me to actually pay full price for a book (well, less my B & N member discount of 10%) speaks volumes about how good I expected the book to be...and I'm not disappointed at alljudging by my book marker...
oh yes, I trundled myself and Bumpy into my office to grab a pretty sheet of scrapbook paper, my ripply-edged scissors and made myself a cute little bookmarkish thing to mark down Things Worth Following Up On...See? the list is long...
and these are just too cute to not share...
even if I still take crappy photos...which I always will...This is my husband...
the ever elusive...I banged tapped on the wall for him to come in, hoping to surprise him for a good photo, but he is still too quick for me...the man has been Good as Gold...even went to H/M to buy me an over sized nightie (grey with pink coffee cups, pink roses and a pink ribbon...what can I say? I imagine there are men who wouldn't have even tried...) and over sized pink granny panties (yes, pink again, but also again, how many men would have even gone there? bless his heart, I have to tell this cute story...DH didn't know what granny panties are and he said no way was he walking up to an older lady to ask her to show him where the granny panties were...I laughed even tho' it was very painful and I was very nauseated at the time)****This is the crappy view out of my bedroom window...
the neighbor's half-painted Man Shed...the remains of the trees taken down about 2 months ago...I've got to do something with that area...but I'm makin' plans, people, makin' plans as I stare out this window for hours and hours and hours...now, I've got a lot of blog reading to catch up on so if ya'll will excuse me...**************************************************************I'll be doing some on-line catalogue shopping here shortly...**although I'm sure willin' to bet good money there are a few college high jinx involving late nights, liquor, tree climbing and some others things I'd just soon not know about lurking around in the DH's past...***but if you are expecting page after page of How-To's with Detailed Instructions, be forewarned you will be mightily disappointed...this is Not That Kind of a Book, thank you very much...****the pink thing is only relevant because I own nothing pink...nothing...but maybe, subconsciously, DH would like me wear a little pink every now & again...well, I'll think about buying a pink t-shirt or a pink cashmere sweater to tool around in every once in a blue moon...just because he's a sweetheart of a guy...and because I'll take any excuse to buy cashmere...
it's all about the journey...
I was wondering where you were! I hope you feel better soon and have a good recovery.
I have that book and am enjoying reading it. Have you been to her blog?
The kitties are adorable! I bet they're good company too.
Shelia! You're back! And I suppose to be leaving for a short while. I'm sorry to hear you were in the need of surgery but, I'm most happy to know that you are on the road to recovery. I like your book I went to a new store (not a book store) called Garden Ridge and they had similar books of Christmas decor, I should have bought one but, shoulda woulda coulda. Stop by I have made a second video, everyone commented on the first one about my southern accent that I didn't know I had. LOL!!! I deleted the first but here goes with round two. Take Care. Deb
Good to know you are doing better...and even when down, you've got a wicked sense of humor!
I had missed you and now I know where you have been! I am so sorry to hear you have been ill. You have such good care, those kitties look like they are good nurses!
Please feel better soon...you will be in my thoughts.
I like the way you tell a story...I like how you rescued the poor kitties, I like how your DH takes such good care of you, and would climb a tree for above mentioned kitty. I like how you don't whine about having just had surgery. I like how you dare take a picture of a messy dresser top. I guess all in all. I really like your style and blog! I hope you get feeling better real soon!
I just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and your sweet comments. I'm sorry to read you've been recuperating from surgery but it looks like with your two fur balls you've have cute company to help you pass the time. I hope you have a speedy recovery and will be back to scrappin', stampin', craftin' soon *smiles*
The opening of the Statesboro HL was quite an adventure... very long hours and tough work but it was worth it to hear the local people over and over again thank us for being there. What a wonderful experience since people in my town are spoiled by having a HL and a Mike's plus 3 WM's *smiles* I met a lot of nice people while down there.
Again, thanks for stopping by!
Oh ouch! Glad to know you've had good companions while recovering tho. What a guy you have, rescues cats and buys pink grannie panties. Can't ask for much more than that can you?
Glad to see you back to blogging. Thanks for the laugh this morning.
Welcome back! Glad your feeling better. Keep up the great recovery.
Love the little kitties. Super cute. I'm a sucker for anything stray. They were just talking on the news about how people are dropping horses off in hords at our local horse shelter because they can no longer afford to keep them. I was thinking..........where could I put some horses. The Hubs put the Kybosh on that.
What a good husband you have :-) you should keep him.
Keep on getting better! Glad your back.
Oh, Sheila!
I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I'm guessing.... gallbladder surgery? Been there, done that and that little pillow/compression device is a necessity!
Yep, my yardstick REALLY is crooked! Isn't that a hoot?!? And I was goofy (and desperate enough) to use it!
Thanks for the complements! I want to do a pumpkin picture, too, but i just know that I won't so I'm going to have to live vicariously through you! Okay? Can't wait to see yours!
Granny panties? Oh, my hubby is waaaay to familiar with those. Hates them, but he's not sporting the stretch marks and extra skin from 3 full-term pregnancies, and well........okay.....the ice cream and chips...and.... you get the picture! Now, I'm depressed....
That book looks sooooooo good! Can you scan a few pages to show us some of the goodies inside? I'm not around a bookstore, anymore, since I'm out in the country (not complaining, though!!!!) LOVE the country!!!!
You get better, Miss Sheila, and try not to laugh, sneeze, cough, blink.... Seriously, get well!
thanks for the well wishes, ya'll :) but there are more people with worse problems out there...saw some of them while I was being prepped for surgery...and, BTW, I had the sweetest nurse EVER...I'm going to write a nice letter about her as soon as I'm up to snuff...
and yes, that man is a keeper...my DH, not the nurse...the nurse is a she, and a keeper too, but not in that way...at least not for me...
manuela, I did go over & peek at yarnstorm...Miss Jane takes great photos...
and Miss Nikki, you make me blush...well, not blush because I don't really blush...just turn beet red...and stay that way for 3 days...people keep askin' if I've gotten sunburned..yes, people, the person who hates being in the sun got sunburned...
Timi, there is a group here that I read about that is trying to help rescue horses, but I can't remember their name and I want to send them a check to help out...horses are expensive to keep, but they're wonderful, aren't they? I think you can fit one in your family room...
Julie, I'll take a few photos (I can't find the stupid disc for my scanner/copier/fax thing) and e-mail them to you soon...I think Miss Jane is very protective of her photo copyrights...
TIE, ya'll
It's good to see that you are feeling well enough to blog. It looks like the kitties kept you company while you were recooperating. That book looks good!
Well, I"m glad to see they didn't take out your sense of humor! I love your kitties. They look like so much fun. And, I'm thinking I may need to check out that book....
I love that you had a 6 toed cat...heck are you sure you're not from around these parts??? have a great day!
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