That's right...Christmas!!!!!!
While sluggin' about the house recuperating, I've made a nice little dent in my Christmas Shopping, thank ye very much...
I figured I'd better go ahead and do some of my CS before the economy finishes imploding*...the banks shut down & our credit cards stop working**...all those little plastic cards will be good for is working as windshield ice scrapers***...
not that we'll have gas to go anywhere...buuuuuutttt, looking on the positive side of things, the creditors won't have gas to come and get my stuff...or will they? hmmmmmm...might be time to look into a P. O. box...
and it never hurts to get a little somethin' somethin' for yourself while shopping for others...
and Mr. Travis has a new Christmas DVD available for pre-order too...might have to get that one as well...we'll see...
![]( is my friend...
So...what Christmas CDs will ya'll be buying this year?
*am I the only who is afraid to even look at the 401K account any more? just checking in makes me feel like I need a brown paper bag to breathe into...and then I can use it for, um, cookie tossing...
**I don't care much for using debit cards over the Internet so I generally use my Visa that I try very very hard to pay off each month...because debt, along with the deepening RECESSION, global warming and the Iraq War, makes me feel like I'm about to have a heart attack...and hives...and eat my way through the fridge...
***and I don't believe I'm the only one who has ever stood in freezing temperatures with a credit card trying to carve myself an opening large enough to avoid running over small children and pets...and those crazy mean-assed squirrels...****
****yep, Squirrels get an asterisked asterisk...Squirrels will you Mess You Up...and they'll talk all kind of smack at you too...I had one squirrel that his favourite thing last year was to hang upside down on the dogwood tree outside of my kitchen window, glare at me and shriek all sorts of Squirrel Cuss at I need that kind of attitude in my own kitchen...I Don't Heart Me No Squirrels...
Hi Sheila! I'm also Sheila, and I found you from "Pleasures of Homemaking". I am a big Alexandra Stoddard fan. My sister and I are collecting all of her books together. I always wished I was born a Southern Belle because both my grandmas were before they moved here to Canada. I thought it was interesting in your profile that you said you like what everyone else does, then listed some things. Not everyone likes or is good at those things. I am a huge James Taylor fan too. HAve you heard his and Carly Simon's son's music? He sounds EXACTLY like his Dad!! I'm just starting a new blog about the love of homemaking as one of my 3 blogs, so that's why I was looking for other homemaking sites to add to my blog list. Wow I sure have a long way to go to make mine look presentable. Most homemakers take so very many pictures for their sites. Well nice to sort of meet you!
Sheila, I don't heart me no squirrels either LOL!
I've started a little Christmas shopping. Fortunately my daughter is very simple to shop for (books & movies) and my husband and I really only exchange stocking stuffers. We stopped doing alot of other gift giving years ago. I make some baked goodies for my neighbors and few small things for friends and that's it. With my husband being in retail, Christmas was always so stressful as it is, so we really cut back a few years ago so we could really enjoy the season.
LOL...I don't heart me no squirrels either...they are mangy evil little beasts lol. Great post...had me laughing at the end! And unlike the rest of you earthlings...I vote YES on global warming dammit....Have you ever lived through a New England winter????
Girl, you nut......and yes, I am with you on the squirrels....except the one time we raised one. But then he got a little nutty once he got older and we promptly let him go.
Okay, I've always thought squirrels were cute & cuddly, if they let you cuddle anyway. I had no idea they knew how to say bad words. Next time I'll have to listen closely and have me some soap ready.
My all time favorite C-mas CD is by Vince Gill. I also like Kenny G & Natalie Cole. You've got me excited for Christmas music now. :-)
I'm not opening any mail regarding my 401K or investments. I'm letting is sit there. I'm trying not to watch the news either. I hope it all simmers down after the election.
Aw...poor little defenseless squirrels...*grin*
This post made me giggle out loud.
Okay, now *I* am freaked out! 2 MONTHS!!! Argh!
OH my goodness! Christmas!!! I'm still pigging out on Halloween candy and ((((It's not Halloween yet! )))))
I loved what you said on another blog about"not allowing the candy to get stale so you started eating it in Sept" kind of gal!!!! tee hee
high on sweets!
I only send money or gift cards so shopping is really easy for me! And yes, I have used my credit card to scrape ice off the windshield. We have the craziest squirrels here too! They steal all of the bird food, then yell at us if we don't refill the feeder!
Hey Sheila! Your blog is great and so "YOU"! Love the pictures of your furbabies. My mother would love to talk hate with you about squirrels. LOL.
I love Randy Travis. I may have to look into this new CD. I got a start on Christmas shopping last weekend. Plan to get more done tomorrow when my sil comes to town. We are cutting down this year. That's a good thing.
Hi Sheila
On our way to Big Cedar, Monday morning, we stopped at Branson, just so I could have a look in the Kringles shops in the Grand Palace Village. Of course I picked up a thing or two.
As for gift giving..these little trips, through the year, are our birthday, anniversary and Christmas gifts, so we don't exchange gifts with each other. We buy for the grandchildren and that's it. Our family gathering and gift game, with inexpensive "gifts", is a highlight of the Holidays and loved as much, as the other gifts, by all the kids, grown up and small.
I have, on many an occasion, used a credit card to clean snow/ice from the windshield. Oh, about the gas...I don't know how long it will last but we're seeing lower prices. The lowest was at Marshfield MO, on our way to Branson, at $1.97.9...nice.
Hey Sheila...I left you a little something on my blog. :)
I'm laughing my head off because I see that another Sheila (bluebirdy) beat me to the punch while saying, "I'm a Sheila, too!" ;-) That makes three of us on one thread.
Only, for reasons too numerous to mention, this Sheila hasn't gotten her blog up and running, but I join you both in the 'Sheila Love' of James Taylor. And honey, I love me some "Ghost and Mrs. Muir"! AND my best friend's daughter calls me Auntie Mame (and we like Rosalind Russell's version the best, too). It's a small world, isn't it?
Unlike bluebirdy who knows where she flew in from, the Magpie here was just floating around and has no idea how I found you, but found you I did! And I'm glad. I'm an animal lover, a Southern girl, and lover of real estate among other things.
Looking forward to reading your blog (now that I found you) and dropping in for a laugh or two or three...
Sheila (the Magpie one!)
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