The White Hot Mess that was our son's 24th Birthday Cake...

Strawberry Cakes just seem to slide around a lot...I've used skewers...a lot of the same time...on them with little luck...I do tend to pile on the icing (ya'll pretty much gathered that from the photo, right?) so the top gets a little, um, mud-slide-like...the skewers will remain in place, leanin' a bit, while the top of the cake wanders off...usually there is a big chasm somewhere towards the center of the cake...which, of course, I hide with, say it with me, More Icing...
the poor Strawberry Cake above is really 2 Strawberry Cakes...The first layers were made with real strawberry and added "stuff"...unfortunately, I, being slightly attention deficient some days, WENT OFF AND LEFT THE LAYERS COOLING ON THE COUNTER TOP WITHIN REACH OF THE DOODLES!!!! that is a Major No-No around Number might as well put the pizza/cake/plastic wrap from the broccoli on the floor and say "have at it, guys"...
I tried my best to fix the bramage...I cut and trimmed and finagled so that finally I had a little Itty Bitty loaf cake...for a party of 6 people who like just would not do...
well, the Cake Mix Gods were smilin' upon me that day because high up up up up on the baking cabinet's top shelf sat One Box of Strawberry Cake Mix (along with a Red Velvet mix that has seen 1, maybe 2, Christmases roll by) but I had no more real strawberries, no more strawberry extract...and, in a Green Moment, I wasn't about to roll out to the grocery store...
so I made the box mix and while those layers were cooling, I just had a Big Attack of Butt On My way was I letting allll of those expensive (have you priced strawberry extract? 2 and a lotta change for a teeny tiny bottle) ingredients go to waste**so into a big bowl went the salvaged cake pieces along with a nice healthy portion of the cream cheese icing and then I mushed it all together to create Strawberry Sludge...
the Sludge went between the layers, on top (yep, that dark pinky lookin' mess) and around the bottom...
It was, simply, the best Strawberry Cake I've made...ugly as a mud fence, but oh my word...and now I'm thinkin' What About Banana Cake Sludge? and Carrot Cake Sludge?...maybe even Red Velvet Cake Sludge...hmmm...that might be carrying things a little too far...but I really do need to do something with that mix...
*this is a doodle...and if you look at my blog header, to the Far Right is another Doodle...that is what here at Number 17 we call the little hound or pit bull mixes that are so pervasive in this area of southeast Georgia...there is always some pitiful little dog that needs pickin' up off the roadside...most will run away and eventually meet some horrible end but some, like Bethy Marie below, just walk up to the car and get in...and , so far, the only dogs we've had claimed by owners are the pedigreed ones...these little mixes are just so much throwaway for many people...

***I promise I only shrieked once...but it was Real Loud....
It's the thought that counts..well that is what I tell my kids anyway.
You tried and I don't know about your son but mine will eat just about anything. Your dogs are very cute. I have an adopted dog and one cat.
LOL! Well I have never heard of a Sludge cake, but you just might be on to something!! I am not the best cake maker/decorator myself...
p.s. ohhh let me know when you come to Hendersonville if you have time and we can meet for lunch or something!
Oh what a story! Strawberry Sludge? Sounds interesting. You might be onto something.
You know, I think the "sliding around" thing must be pretty characteristic of strawberry cakes. My son wants one every year for his birthday, and every year I have to use skewers, toothpicks, whatever, just to keep the top layer from sliding off the bottom. But it sure gets eaten quick enough!
Bethy Marie sure is cute! Her eyes just sucked me right in.
Shelia, Hi. How are you, GF?. Thanks for stopping by, my husband is getting better everyday. You know you were the only one to comment about the disclaimer, could it be that we are both Pisces? Now, I've only made about four cakes in my life time BUT! SLUDGE CAKES??? LOL :O) Kinda like Bubba and the shrimp. (LOL) O'kay. Shelia, it's been so much fun, I'll be checking on you, you're up to a lot. Keep those clothes hangin, and I had to type (gvylrt) to get you this note, then (byqahytl). Deb
LOL! Bethy is precious.
Hi Shelia, I'll share a secret with you. I love the fact that I'm finally getting a grandaughter, pretty little dresses and all but, now after 5 grand of my own and 4 of my husbands, that's a lot of children. Now I'm looking forward to seeing the pretty little thing but, I'm not big on keeping babies these days, I've had my share and my nerves are almost shot. Last I want to say that my favorite of my Mother's Day gifts are the crackers dishes too. LOL Deb did it yourself and I bet it tasted just wonderful right?
It IS the thought that counts, truly.
What a sweet doggie face Bethy has and oh geez...I would have been screaming right along with you over the cocoa eating!
That does look disgusting...but it really is the thought and the taste that count!
I'm putting you on my favorites list...your posts have good ideas and make me laugh...good combination in my book!
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