Come early to Number 17...a friend suggested I find myself some potted bulbs to help eliminate some of these Winter Blues that have been hangin' about the place...and since I am quick to embrace any suggestion that involves buying Plants (and/or plant-related stuff), here are the loverly white hyacinths...well....actually, one of the loverly white hyacinths...that now reside in our bedroom...where the cats can't reach them without a great deal of 1) effort and 2) effort that requrires lots of racketing about...
I love the scent of hyacinths but couldn't have them in the bedroom because I find it overpowering in an enclosed space. In the house I have to keep them in a walk through area like the hall. Mostly I grow them in the garden though and just enjoy the scent drifting on the wind.
Oh, I know how you feel. Back when I lived in Nevada and I was so depressed during one long winter, I went and bought some cut daffodils from the supermarket and put them in a vase on our dining room table. I felt so great right away, as though Spring was just around the corner! Thanks for sharing your pretty flowers... Blessings, Debra
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