This morning, have worked up my resolve, I went onto out of doors to *remove* the gourd vine that has taken over one whole side of our back deck and a pretty dern good piece of the chain link fence by the deck as well...
Mr G is all set to pressure-wash the deck Labor Day weekend and then do some much needed painting out there...
This gourd vine has been growing...and growing...for months...plenty of blooms, but not one single gourd has shown up...
Until now...
And, although in the way of things, this 4-inch long baby gourd that will probably be eaten by one of the dogs or visiting wildlife before it can mature has kept me from ripping the vine off the deck in hopes that we can claim having grown at least one gourd out of all the vines we planted...
Mr G really did get quite the look of hopefulness when I told him we have a baby gourd...
I almost felt mean letting him know, gently of course, the the rest of the deck could still be pressure-washed and painted...almost...
Mine are about the same size right now too. Its great to watch them grow, I think you can go out in the morning to get a look and by evening they've grown a few inches!!!!
Did you ever do anything with the ones you dried from last year?
"Did you ever do anything with the ones you dried from last year?"
No...all but one busted in the move!
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