it is called "Lowering the Bar"...
see, just 3 or 4 years back, I would have taken 15 photos to get 1 decent shot of the Rahhhh Kitties in their St. Patrick's Day ribbons...
...and I would have decorated for the day a bit more than adding two green ribbons to the Rahhhh Kitties...
But, one of the advantages of getting older is gaining a little perspective...The Rahhhh Kitties don't mind the crummy photo...they're just happy to get a change of ribbon because they wore their last ribbons about 2 years...might actually be 3 years...If the RKs don't mind, then I guess I shouldn't either...
Hey. Hey. HEY, LADY...change the ribbons already...loser... |
actually, taking the whole 2-3 year thing into account, perhaps I'm a little further along the path
to mastery of the whole Lowering the Bar thing than I've been thinkin'...