here in Southeastern Georgia...even tho' the days still climb into the 90s, the nights fall wonderfully into the upper days are bearable when the mornings are cool and it isn't until well after lunch time that heat-induced crankiness and fatigue sets in*...Besides the thermometer and the level of rage induced by tryin' to quickly move in and out of the local Hell-Mart's parking lot...which is the size of a recreational park's football field...and the hotter it is, the crazier and meaner people get(naturally, I do strongly feel that anybody tryin' to turn left across the oncoming backed-up-to-South Carolina right lane traffic into the backed-up-to-Florida left lane traffic from the parking lane adjacent to the bustling pedestrian crossing ought to be, well,PUNISHED is the politest word I have available for use this moment...severely punished...I mean, really severely punished...when it is cooler weather, I can benevolently smile upon the idiot and wish him/her well in his or her entitled world with only minor karma hit points) , I have another gauge for Fall Weather Approaching...Projects**Come September, it is time to get Deadly Serious about what projects need to be done, by whom, and by when...the "when" actually being code for "by time to start decorating for Christmas"... Hence my lack of awareness that a whole month has gone by since my last post...not that I'm such a stickler about timely posting anyway...
Exhibit A: stripped down second full bath...installing beadboard, new lighting, base boards and, possibly, a beautiful old buffet to convert into a vanity...only hitch... just this afternoon we discovered this beautiful buffet may not make the turn into bathroom...crud...tomorrow, it'll be like watchin' The Rose Bowl Parade and holdin' our breath to see if the biggest float ever can make that impossible turn on that corner the announcers always get freaked about...Cynthia seems fine with our purposed sink vanity sitting right in the middle of the hallway...selfish selfish kitty... Exhibit B: stripped down master beadboard, lighting and baseboards...thank you, Lord, that we don't need a new vanity in this one...but the tub, well, that is a tale for another day...Exhibit C: master bedroom with patched holes and no baseboards...will be painting and putting in new baseboardsTruly, I do not know why there were so many holes in that wall...well, the big one, yes, I do know why...we had a flat screen mounted there...that requires a big honkin' hole, apparently, for the at-most 1/2" diameter cable...who knew?anyhoo...a couple of other little indicators of more forgivin' weather here in our little corner of Georgia: Our pear tree that is only 2 years in the ground. I love an over-achiever in the garden Yankee Candles' Purr-Chouli candle...I cannot help it...I know patchouli got a Bad Rep in the 60s but I love it Fall Mags...what's not to love?******************************************************************************Yes, I know...Mother Nature is only toying with us...
**Made more Deadly Serious this year by our son's pending marriage and backyard reception HERE!!!
***I was at the store, grousing because my issue of CL hadn't come in YET HERE IT IS IN THE STORE ON THE SHELVES FOR EVERY FREAKIN' BODY ELSE, when Mr G piped up with "it's at's under that stuff on the buffet by the front door...I've only back from a trip, excitedly waiting on my cool fall issue of CL, but that's okay...I was too happy to seek revenge...and, yes, I realize I should pursue a more exciting lifestyle...which I would if I weren't happy as a pig in slop doing what I do...
I will be spending the next several computer sessions catching up on alllll the blogs I like...ya'll are some prolific bloggers :)