I know the blogs I enjoy reading...and I know that the majority of them have an "identity"...
Under My Favorites, I separated the blogs I pop in to read into 10 categories so I can Read by Theme :)
I have Religious, Writing, Gardening & Nature, Cooking, Travel, Arts & Crafts, Christmas, House, Life in General and Political...
Naturally, almost all of the blogs move back and forth across the category lines because their contents are plucked from the everyday lives of their writers
ME at those northern skies is in the Art category because, well, her photographs are Art...but she also easily moves into Religion with thoughts that are stunningly simple and yet amazingly cut right to the heart of an issue...
Loretta (did I spell that correctly or is it Lorretta?) at Pomegranates and Paper is in Life in General although Art is a big part of her life...I don't know why it worked out that way...I guess because I love hearing about all the things her children do (since our son is 22 and I'm not so much in the Little Kid world any more) and about work and their family vacations...
Clarice over at Storybook Woods lives in my Life in General category, too, but lives a life filled with art and beauty, too...as does Deb at Homespun Living...
There's a fellow Southern Chic over at Southern Somedays who is in Life in General...
Carolyn of Tumbleweeds and Thyme hangs out in Garden & Nature...and makes me motivated enough by pixs of her lovely garden to get my Rear in Gear and move outside to do more than just think about gardening...
and also hanging out in Garden & Nature is Farmgirl Fare....the photographs are wonderful, making me smile every time I click in...
These are just drops in the bucket...but I guess I'm getting at each of these bloggers has a certain "air" about their places that speaks to something I like, or love...and how they fit into my little categories doesn't really matter...the positioning just comes about from something that came out of my laptop screen and into my heart...
and I feel my blog is not happily defined...first, I thought Just Gardening...then realized 1) I don't do enough gardening for that to be a blast...and then I thought Gardening and Cooking...did I tell you I hate to cook? I love to bake, but cooking...blahhhhh...okay, how about thrifing? thrifting and gardening...well...maybe....but who wants to just look at someone else's junk? Politics? plez...I'd bore myself to death...
Anyhoo...my blog needs some focus*...and it needs more attention that it has gotten since 2007 began...
*I am seriously hoping my blog's lack of focus is not a reflection of my life in general...man....
Yes, This Is Exactly What I Had In Mind
15 hours ago